Government announce support for PE & Sport

Today the Government announced a package of support for school sport funding, including:

  • Equal access to sports in school – setting out that offering girls and boys the same sports, where it is wanted is the new standard
  • Delivering a minimum 2 hours of curriculum PE –with more support being offered through a refreshed School Sport Action Plan
  • Expansion of the Schools Games Mark – to reward parity of provision for girls – this kitemark scheme, delivered by YST, recognises schools that create positive sporting experiences across all sports for young people, supporting them to be active for 60 minutes a day
  • Over £600 million across the next two years for the PE and Sport Premium – a funding commitment to improve the quality of PE and sports in primary schools to help children benefit from regular activity
  • A new digital tool for PE and Sport Premium – to support schools in using the funding to the best advantage of their pupils
  • £22 million for two years of further funding for the School Games Organiser network (SGO) – annually the 450 strong SGO workforce supports 2.2m participation opportunities for children including 28,000 competitive school sport events
  • Up to £57 million funding for the open sports facilities programme – to open up more school sport facilities outside of school hours especially targeted at girls, disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs. 

You can read the Youth Sport Trust’s response to the announcement in full by clicking here:

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